turbine flowmeter

  •  Turbine flowmeter
  •  Turbine flowmeter
  •  Turbine flowmeter
 Turbine flowmeter  Turbine flowmeter  Turbine flowmeter

Turbine flowmeter

KNKE turbine flowmeter is a type of flowmeter that is used to measure the flow rate of fluids in a pipe. It operates on the principle of the fluid flowing through a turbine rotor, causing the rotor to spin. The speed of the rotor is directly proportional to the flow rate of the fluid.


The parameters of KNKE turbine flowmeter that are commonly specified are:

  1. Flow rate range: The minimum and maximum flow rate that the      flowmeter is capable of measuring accurately. This is typically specified      in units of volume or mass per unit time, such as liters per minute or      kilograms per hour.
  2. Pipe diameter range: The range of pipe diameters for which the      flowmeter is designed. This is important because the performance of the      flowmeter can be affected by the diameter of the pipe in which it is      installed.
  3. Fluid type: Turbine flowmeters can be designed for measuring      the flow of liquids or gases. The specific fluid type for which the      flowmeter is designed can affect its performance, as the fluid properties      can vary significantly.
  4. Accuracy: The accuracy of the flowmeter is typically specified      as a percentage of the actual flow rate. This can vary depending on the      manufacturer and the specific model of the flowmeter.
  5. Operating temperature range: The range of temperatures at which      the flowmeter can operate reliably. This is important because the      properties of the fluid being measured can change with temperature, which      can affect the performance of the flowmeter.
  6. Operating pressure range: The range of pressures at which the      flowmeter can operate reliably. This is important because the performance      of the flowmeter can be affected by the pressure of the fluid being      measured.
  7. Output signal: The flowmeter typically provides an electrical      signal that can be used to measure the flow rate, such as a voltage or a      current signal. The type of signal and the range of the signal are      important parameters to consider when integrating the flowmeter into a      larger measurement and control system.
  8. Repeatability: The ability of the flowmeter to produce consistent      readings for the same flow conditions. This is typically specified as a      percentage of the measured value.
  9. Turbine material: The material used for the turbine is      important to consider, especially if the fluid being measured is corrosive      or abrasive. The material of the turbine can affect its durability and      accuracy.
  10. Installation requirements: The installation requirements for      the flowmeter can vary depending on the specific model and the      application. Some flowmeters require a straight pipe section upstream and      downstream of the flowmeter to ensure accurate measurements, while others      may have different installation requirements.


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